Thursday, February 18, 2010
UK Financial Times State of the Union editorial
UK Financial Times on 'Game Change'
BOTWT being beaten to the punch here?
Good thinking, Rick! Did you blind-copy the president on that?
We know all about it, Vlad...
Maybe a little anger management needed for the IPCC chairman?
"Insensitivity"? "rhetorical bombast"?...
Global warming science?
Steve Chapman doesn't like Sarah Palin?
Did the climategaters overlook something?
"Extreme right-wing, Hoover-like crowd....?"
What three words are missing from this Reuters headline?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman picks on Sarah Palin
Chicago Sunday PM 14 February 2010
Voice of the People, Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman says in his Wednesday, February 10 column “Palin exposes the partyers” that “a possible Palin bid for the White House” would be “absurd.” It is true that the 2008 National ticket candidates had only 21 months of executive experience total between the four of them, but what's this? Since Palin had exactly that number of months experience, it means that each of the other three had exactly zero seconds of executive experience?
Palin also had two years as chairman of an outfit called the “Alaskan Oil and Gas Commission.” Since Alaska is the second ranking state in supplying these two energy fundamentals, that chairmanship must require considerably more executive experience than a roomful of US Senators (the highest experience level of Messrs. Obama, McCain, and Biden.)
Chapman complains of Palin declaring “"the government that governs least, governs best." This sounds like what the founders had in mind when they listed 17 specific duties the Congress was limited to in Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution. This list says nothing of Social Security, Medicare, or a National Department of Education. If Chapman thinks these items are OK under the 'General Welfare Clause” he should read what James Madison says about that in Federalist Paper number 41.
Sarah Palin got to be Governor of a US State by taking on an established old boy network of her own party, and winning. Barack Obama got to be President because of his ethereal command of a speech enhancing device invented only 28 years ago (he lost his only other head-to-head election – his election to the Illinois state and US senates were because his only legitimate competitors were mysteriously forced to withdraw before the voting.)
Chapman concludes by referring to the President as a “former law professor”. Obama was a non-tenure-tracked instructor of Constitutional law, the law school equivalent of differential calculus.
Arnold H Nelson
5056 North Marine Drive
Chicago IL 60640
Monday, February 8, 2010
What does the UK Financial Times mean by 'not bad'?
WSJ Thomas Frank strikes out again
People treated fairly more likely to pay taxes?
Maybe he[Obama] can't?!?
UK Financial Times on 'Game Change'
Letter to UK Financial Times on BHO State of the Union editorial
Maybe a little anger management needed for the IPCC chairman?
Chicago IL USA Sunday PM 7 February 2010
Editors, the UK Financial Times
The Financial Times Thursday, February 4 article "UN scientist hits at 'skulduggery'" quotes IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri venting the righteous indignation (climate change sceptics' criticism is "skulduggery of the worst kind") of someone who has hard disks of climate data and more hard disks of mathematical models to run it through proving that the planet is on its way to becoming uninhabitable because of 'global warming' or some such.
Mr. Pachauri would be wise to consider another, quite simple model: projecting the 4.5 billion year age of the earth onto a more easily comprehended 80-year human lifetime. Such a model shows one year of earth time the equivalent of 0.562 seconds of 'geezer time' (this can be demonstrated by calculating the number of seconds in 80 years, dividing by 0.562, resulting in... 4.5 billion.)
This puts Galileo's 1593 invention of the thermometer (an absolutely necessary tool in the climate measuring game) at slightly less than 4 minutes ago to the geezer. Another necessary tool: a human being to read the thermometer, didn't get here until 6 million years ago – 5 weeks 4 days in geezer time.
Doesn't it seem reasonable that regardless of how much that climate data is massaged by any number of those models, any number of times, it can show no more than the planet continuing to do what it did just fine without any human intervention for the first 99.87% of its life span?
Arnold H Nelson 5056 North Marine Drive Chicago IL 60640 USA
Sunday, February 7, 2010
UK Financial Times letter on Global Warming model
Chicago IL USA Sunday PM 7 February 2010
Editors, the UK Financial Times
The Financial Times Thursday, February 4 article "UN scientist hits at 'skulduggery'" quotes IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri venting the righteous indignation (climate change sceptics' criticism is "skulduggery of the worst kind") of someone who has hard disks of climate data and more hard disks of mathematical models to run it through proving that the planet is on its way to becoming uninhabitable because of 'global warming' or some such.
Mr. Pachauri would be wise to consider another, quite simple model: projecting the 4.5 billion year age of the earth onto a more easily comprehended 80-year human lifetime. Such a model shows one year of earth time the equivalent of 0.562 seconds of 'geezer time' (this can be demonstrated by calculating the number of seconds in 80 years, dividing by 0.562, resulting in... 4.5 billion.)
This puts Galileo's 1593 invention of the thermometer (an absolutely necessary tool in the climate measuring game) at slightly less than 4 minutes ago to the geezer. Another necessary tool: a human being to read the thermometer, didn't get here until 6 million years ago – 5 weeks 4 days in geezer time.
Doesn't it seem reasonable that regardless of how much that climate data is massaged by any number of those models, any number of times, it can show no more than the planet continuing to do what it did just fine without any human intervention for the first 99.87% of its life span?
Arnold H Nelson
5056 North Marine Drive Chicago IL 60640 USA