Chicago Saturday AM 20 April 2010
New York City Tea Party
After reading Karl Rove's Thursday, April 1 WSJ OpEd (“Where the Tea Partiers Should Go From Here”) I sent this forwarded letter to WSJ. It did not get printed ( I did have one printed... in 1996) but I included a brainstorm I had for the Tea Partiers, and thot you might be interested.
Arnold H Nelson (On the Democrat-occupied west bank of Lake Michigan (IL 9th CD. repped by Nancy Pelosi's evil twin, Jan Schakowsky))
PS I certainly do not think there's a need for Tea Party competition for Michelle Bachman, Tom Coburn, or Jim DeMent.
PPS I wrote a Contract for America 2010, and actually hand delivered it to Newt Gingrich when he was book signing here in Chicago in October 2009 . I never heard from him, but I think it was a helluva lot better than anything that could come from his recent American Solutions opinion survey. My Contract is 1900 words long, but I have not seen anything like its first three 'grafs anywhere. It's included in an email I sent to the Speaker on August 22, 2009, on my blog: [Also on my Facebook]
Subject: What next for Tea Partiers...
To: "WSJ Letters"
Chicago Thursday PM 1 April 2010
Editors, the Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal of Thursday, April 1 has an article “Where the Tea Partiers Should Go From Here” where Karl Rove Describes their present status as well as anyone can, then presents an excellent proposal of what they should do next to return the country to its senses.
The Tea Partiers are unique as a political force in that: 1) they appear to be leaderless, but 2) few movements in US history can match them for comon objectives and determination. These attributes are what define them and make them strong.
As a next step there is one thing they can pledge to themselves which could have a major influence in achieving those objectives: their number one goal should be running a recognized Tea Partier in every Repiblican primary y election in the country in 2010. We don't need a third party – we have a perfectly good major party just waiting to be taken over by people with Tea Party principles.
As of April 1, Illinois and Texas are beyond help, but that leaves 33 senate seats and 384 House Reps available.
This would give the Tea Partiers a national voice of considerable heft, and solve the perennial Republican RINO problem – wishy-washy Republicans who too often may as well be Democrats. Tea Partiers need not call themselves Conservatives, but will sure be able to define a new force on the national scene: Real Republicans.
Arnold H Nelson