Chicago Sunday PM 28 March 2010
Editors, UK Financial Times
The Financial Times' columnist Jurek Martin writes on Wednesday, March 24 (“A triumph tempered by the raging of the right”) that Barack Obama uses the English Language better than almost everyone....” Barack Obama reads speeches written by others from a teleprompter better than almost anyone.
Martin continues on “...the times of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, when great things – Social Security, Medicare, and civil rights laws – were accomplished.”
The US Constitution says nary a word about old age pensions nor health, so Social Security and Medicare are clearly unconstitutional. Before you say “General Welfare Clause” you should read James Madison's comments on that in his Federalist Paper number 41. Civil rights were a fine accomplishment, but backed by only 61% of house Democrats and 69% of Senate Democrats. Corresponding 'raging right' Republicans were 80% and 82%.
Then Mr. Martin claims that “the American people did speak in the election of 2008... in a voice more definitive than any ephemeral opinion poll.” They sure did: they elected someone whose only previous election wins were where his only opposition was forced to drop out before a vote was cast for reasons unrelated to the election. His entire previous work experience was as a community organizer (Chicago euphemism for Democrat vote hustler,) Illionis state Senator ( a job requireing no more skill than a 3rd string Chicago Bears jock strap attendant, without the responsibility,) and part time non-tenure-tracked instructor in Constitutinal law, the legal equivalent of differential calculus. None of his cillege records have ever been released, so no one knows if he's ever studied economics for even 5 minutes. He has never hired anyone more consequential than a baby sitter, had never made a buck-stops-here decision (such as made very every day by governors from Alaska to Texas) before January 20, 2009.
And Mr. Martin thinks the American people were speaking in a 'difinitive ' voice?
Further, Mr. Martin writes suspiciously “the wife of [Supreme Court] Justice Clarence Thomas has started a tea party chapter of her own.” Everyone knows that Mr. Martic is a thoroly scrupulous writer, so we know that buried deep in FT archives are articles by him writing equally suspiciously of the wife of Senate Democrat leader Tom Daschle, a paid lobbyist working on his own Senate; and Andrea Mitchell, big time NBC commentator, wife of Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan; and how about a certain Hillary Rodham, who if she hadn't latched on to a potential state attorney general, governor, and president would probably be an assistant public librarian in Park Ridge Illinois.
The Financial Times can do, and has done, much better.
Arnold H Nelson
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