Chicago Wednesday 24 October 2012
Voice of the People, Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Tribune prints a letter (Wednesday 24
October "Obama's job) opening with "...Barack
Obama ...came into office with a number of problems
left by the previous administration and has done an
admirable job.” Yes, the previous administration did
run an at the time unprecedented average monthly
federal deficit of $20 billion per month. President
Obama's corresponding figure is a hardly admirable
$120 billion.
The letter continues that Obama was the “driving force
in the killing of Osama bin Laden, who caused us so
much misery....” Had Obama captured him alive we
might have waterboarded him into warning us of the
misery we're still suffering from the Taliban.
The letter concludes: Obama “... put through a
meaningful national health care bill that will take full
effect in 2014.” Could the writer point out where in
the United States Constitution there is any reference
at all to national health care? It does contain a 'general
welfare clause' which the Father of the Constitution,
James Madison, explained in his Federalist paper 41
that “...a specification of the objects alluded to by...
'general welfare' ... immediately follows... not even
separated by a longer pause than a semicolon."
Following that semicolon is a list of 17 other
congressional powers, from "borrow money on the
credit of the United States" to "make all Laws which
shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution the foregoing Powers," but not a word about
health care.
Arnold H Nelson
Chicago IL 60640
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