Monday, February 11, 2013

AP: Global warming threatens wolverines?!?!?

Mathew Brown c/o Associated Press

Mr. Brown:

Your well written article “Warming imperils wolverines”
[APNewsBreak 0900 Friday 1 February] describes “The
tenacious wolverine... is being added to the list of species
threatened by climate change....”

You make no mention of  mathematical models, surprising
since they are the backbone of climate change claims.  A
model can be used to demonstrate  the pathetically small
amount of data available to back up these claims:  projecting
the 4.5 billion year age of the planet on to something easier to
comprehend,  an 80-year human lifetime.  Such a model
shows a single year of earth time equivalent to 0.562 seconds
of that 80-year lifespan.  In this model humans first appeared
on earth 39 days ago. They had no idea of measuring
temperature before Galileo's 1593 thermometer invention,
4 minutes ago to our geezer. Discovery of carbon dioxide in
1630? 3 minutes 30 seconds ago.

Applying this model to the landmark given in your article:
“...wolverines were wiped out across the Lower 48 by the
1930s....”  43 seconds in the model.

If a doctor takes an 80-year-old's blood pressure and gets
120/80, five minutes later does it again and gets 124/76, does
she call an ambulance?

Arnold H Nelson

5056 North Marine Drive  Chicago 60640

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