Monday, June 20, 2011

Letter to ChiTrib chiding them on misuse of Carl Sandburg quote

Chicago Tribune

Page 6, Monday 20 June 2011

Simple, elegant half-page ad, deservedly celebrating your recent redo...

But “Now with broader shoulders”?!?

Chicago has nothing to do with broad shoulders; let alone 'broader' shoulders. Other papers make the gaffe - a Wednesday 18 November 2009 Mary Schmich column referenced a Wednesday 21 August 1996 Wall Street Journal making doing it in an article featuring Chicago, but what do they know.)

Look up in your own archives:

Chicago Sunday Tribune 13 August 1916

Fanny Butcher Tabloid Book Review "Virile Chicago Poet"

"One of the most modern of the voices raised in song

is 'Chicago Poems,' by Carl Sandburg...:

"Chicago Hog Butcher of the World,

"Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,

"Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler

Stormy, husky, brawling

"City of the Big Shoulders...."

Arnold H Nelson

5056 North Marine Drive 60640


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